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Our Story
Since our beginning in 2010, educating our community about Human Trafficking has been our focus. We do this by speaking to church and civic groups, participating in community events, and training professional groups.
What We Do
Educating citizens about the reality of sex trafficking and labor trafficking in North Carolina is imperative to creating communities actively working to abolish human trafficking.
We go out into communities in our state with information about human trafficking, the National Human Trafficking Hotline Number (1-888-3737-888) and ask businesses, agencies and other individuals to join the anti-human trafficking movement.
Community members, agencies and organizations must come together to combat human trafficking locally. We provide development assistance so communities can develop their own coalitions to combat human trafficking.
We have advocated for a state and country that delivers compassionate services to human trafficking survivors and proactively work to prevent human trafficking.
Our global effort to combat human trafficking is introducing fair trade into the local markets. We put our money wear our mouth is and sell fair trade certified products through our Fair Traders Project program.
With Your Help, We are Making The World a Better Place
NC Stop Human Trafficking’s vision is a state free of human trafficking. It does this through creating communities actively working to abolish it. As an organization it educates community members, professionals and service providers on the red flags of human trafficking and how to report/respond. NC Stop Human Trafficking also understands that it takes an entire community of professionals, service providers and nonprofits to improve victim response and prevent human trafficking, which is why it works across the state to support rural coalition development.
NC Stop Human Trafficking also advocates on a state and federal level for stronger anti-human trafficking legislation. As an organization, it supports the principles of fair trade. Fair trade is a human trafficking prevention and deterrent across the globe, which is why the organization works to introduce fair trade products into the local markets.
Contact us for more information about the organization and how you can become involved.