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Polaris Project

Polaris Project Focuses on the policy creation and implementation at federal, state and local levels.

Polaris Project is one of the largest anti-trafficking organizations in the United States and Japan, with programs operating at international, national and local levels through our offices in Washington, DC; Newark, NJ; Denver, CO; and Tokyo, Japan. Polaris Project is one of the few organizations working on all forms of trafficking and serving both citizen and foreign national victims of human trafficking.


US Department of Health and Human Services

US Department of Health and Human Services: Campaign to Rescue and Restore Victims of Human Trafficking Primary goal is to raise awareness; can download posters, brochures, facts sheets.The fact sheets link contains information on human trafficking, sex trafficking, federal efforts to aid victims, etc. in English, Spanish, Polish, Russian and Chinese.


US State Department

US State Department: Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

Every year, the State Department releases its Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report.

“In the TIP Report, the Department of State places each country onto one of three tiers based on the extent of their governments’ efforts to comply with the “minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking” found in Section 108 of the TVPA. While Tier 1 is the highest ranking, it does not mean that a country has no human trafficking problem. On the contrary, a Tier 1 ranking indicates that a government has acknowledged the existence of human trafficking, made efforts to address the problem, and complies with the TVPA’s minimum standards. Each year, governments need to demonstrate appreciable progress in combating trafficking to maintain a Tier 1 ranking.”


Office for Victims of Crime

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has a very informative website. Please check out the Federal Office for Victims of Crime online for more information and resources regarding Human Trafficking today.


Shared Hope International

Shared Hope International has specific programs aimed at getting men involved and for catching predators. For almost a decade, Shared Hope International has served the world’s most destitute. We work diligently across the world, partnering with local groups to help women and children enslaved in the sex trade by providing them with shelter, healthcare, education and vocational training opportunities. Our three-pronged strategy—prevent, rescue and restore—is producing hope. We will not give up. We will continue going into the darkness, rescuing and restoring young women and precious children—one life at a time.


A21 Campaign

A21 Exists to abolish injustice in the 21st century.

We are a non-profit organization who believes that we can end human trafficking together. A21 prevents human trafficking through awareness and education, protects victims of human trafficking through restoration programs, pursues justice by prosecuting human traffickers and partners with people just like you to fight for freedom together.


Free the Slaves

Lots of information is located on this site including personal interest stories, books, films, videos, and documents. This site also includes essays and articles on human trafficking and related matters.


International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission International Justice Mission is a human rights agency that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. IJM lawyers, investigators and aftercare professionals work with local officials to ensure immediate victim rescue and aftercare, to prosecute perpetrators and to promote functioning public justice systems.


Not For Sale

Not For Sale is a campaign of students, entrepreneurs, artists, people of faith, athletes, law enforcement officers, politicians, social workers, skilled professionals, and all justice seekers, united to fight the global slave trade. Not For Sale aims to educate and mobilize an international abolitionist movement through the innovation and implementation of open-source activism. Inside the United States, the campaign identifies trafficking rings and collaborates with local law enforcement and community groups to shut them down and provide support for the victims. Internationally, the campaign partners with poorly resourced abolitionist groups to enhance their capacity.