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Internet Safety is a Vital Skill

Internet Safety is a Vital Skill

Understanding how to be safe on the internet is a vital skill for both children and adults. Because the internet allows such vast access to various types of content, being safe while scrolling is essential.

“We are Talking About Sex Trafficking, Right?”

“We are Talking About Sex Trafficking, Right?”

A common question that comes up while we are out in the community is, “We are talking about sex trafficking, right?” And the answer to that one is yes, but we are also talking about labor trafficking. When we are addressing human trafficking, we cannot forget the...

Healthy Communities Prevent Human Trafficking

Healthy Communities Prevent Human Trafficking

Creating and organizing a healthy community helps prevent human trafficking. The prevention and end of human trafficking requires an approach implemented by all members of the community. A healthy community promotes an environment of safety, connectedness, and...

Online Safety is Prevention

Online Safety is Prevention

It is easy for predators to go into online spaces and find young people to groom. They know how to find the most vulnerable young person in a sea of profiles

Why Don’t They Just Leave?

Why Don’t They Just Leave?

A common question that comes up during our community education sessions, after we say that forcible kidnap by a stranger is not the typical start of human trafficking experience, is why don’t they just leave, then?