
This section will cover basic information about Human Trafficking: what Human Trafficking is, how to identify victims, and why it happens here in North Carolina.

NC Groups
We aren’t the only group in North Carolina working to abolish slavery! Learn more about the groups across our state and how you can get involved.

Nationwide Groups
Human Trafficking is a crime that plagues our entire nation. Thankfully, there are groups working tirelessly across all 50 states and internationally to combat this issue.

Written by both Survivors and Experts, these books will give you an in-depth look at Human Trafficking from a perspective other than your own.

A documentary is a great way to introduce the topic of Human Trafficking to a new group of people. We’ve recommended some of our favorite informational and emotional documentaries for your viewing pleasure.

If you’re looking for more information, check out some of these websites!

Fair Trade
Click here to learn more about what Fair Trade is, and to check out some of our Fair Trade products!