This fight belongs to us all.
We envision a state free of human trafficking through creating communities actively working to abolish human trafficking.
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About NC Stop Human Trafficking
Educating citizens about the reality of sex trafficking and labor trafficking in North Carolina is imperative to creating communities actively working to abolish human trafficking.
We go out into communities in our state with information about human trafficking, the National Human Trafficking Hotline Number (1-888-3737-888) and ask businesses, agencies and other individuals to join the anti-human trafficking movement.
Community members, agencies and organizations must come together to combat human trafficking locally. We provide development assistance so communities can develop their own coalitions to combat human trafficking.
We have advocated for a state and country that delivers compassionate services to human trafficking survivors and proactively work to prevent human trafficking.
Our global effort to combat human trafficking is introducing fair trade into the local markets. We put our money wear our mouth is and sell fair trade certified products through our Fair Traders Project program.

LUNCH & LEARN: Joining Hands to Fight Human Trafficking
January 30, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the History Museum of Carteret County
Hosted during Human Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Month, this event offers a perfect opportunity to bring together the communities of Carteret County to learn about what human trafficking is, how it looks locally, and how to report and respond safely. You will learn from experts and survivors of human trafficking. Lunch is catered.
Imagine a state free of
human trafficking.
We are an organization on a mission to bring awareness, action and an ultimate end to human trafficking in our state. Because the issue is everywhere — the solution requires help from everyone — not just from a dedicated few. There are plenty of ways to get involved. And we’re glad you’re here.
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Outreach & Education
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Understanding A Misunderstood Issue
One of the biggest challenges to our cause is that many don’t know what human trafficking looks like. Not the movie version you may have seen — it’s an issue that crosses age, borders race, economics and beyond — and it’s all around us. Learn what to look for. Get involved. And become part of the solution.